Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Retrieving files using other computer

How to locate files from the other hard disk using your PC?

When your PC is down due to a motherboard defection or whatever problem it is, there are few steps to retrieve important files and data from your hard disk.

First, open you computer, locate your hard disk and pull-off the IDE cable from the motherboard
Second, go to your working personal computer with the hard disk you pulled-off earlier
Third, open your PC casing and attach the hard disk to the secondary ports of your motherboard
note: when you open your PC or working some stuff with the hardware, make it sure that the PC is shut down
Fourth, when all is done, open your PC, go to My Computer, as you notice new hard drive found in your system
note: make it sure to log in as administrator so that you have the rigth to view all folders from the other accounts
Fifth, to locate some of your file,
  • go to My computer
  • then the local disk of the newly attached hard disk
  • documents and settings
  • select the account folder where your data are store
  • if you are looking the My Documents, it is located at the user account folder of the newly attached drive.
  • then copy your files to your back-up or do everything what you want with your files
that's it .......Good luck!

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